Tuesday, November 2, 2010

on sadness:

Some people are so scared of sadness. It is so interesting to me. The avoid it like it is a feeling that will smother and suffocate them. While some sadness might do just that, couldn't it be said that it's ok- and even healthy to feel sad somedays? It is a natural response to some sort of hardship. If we didn't feel sadness, then how could we understand empathy? Many times we become sad because others are sad, it is just a question of how healthy it is for us.
Sadness helps us to humble ourselves. We may feel sad that we did not accomplish a goal. This is a healthy response but when we get wallow in our sadness we begin to hurt ourselves and potentially others around us. Our sadness evolves into misery, and we are told misery loves company.
Now I'm not sayin we should accept being sad all the time and enjoy that feeling, but I would rather accept the sadness of one situation and know how to bounce back, than avoid all feelings of sadness, only to be emotionally flattened by a large catastrophe and not know how to emotionally deal with the situation.
I suppose this all goes back to the emotional and physical complex of the "fight or flight" reaction. Without generalizing to distastefully, I would imagine most people who avoid sadness have a lot of other things they tried to avoid (flight).
Then again fighters seem to often times bite off more they can chew. But I'd rather hit that concept on another. Until that day, bare sadness but do not wallow in it, savvy?
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