Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The times they are a changin

who actually got there lunch money stolen from the bully at school? Seriously. I never did. Cause I was the was the bully! OOOHHHHH... not really...

Also, when I was growing up, if there was something scary in a movie, and in particular, it was usually something gory and someones face or body might have been mutilated, my parents always said "Don't worry its not real;its just make up "

that is now an understatement in todays films. I was watching The mummy III this morning and one character towards the end is obliterated in the most real sense of the word.
flesh went in all 360 degrees like an exploding star!

Hmmm.. now how the hell are you supposed to tell a kid "it's just make up" I guess now what you have to tell them is "it's just computers"

bahahahaha.... Times they are a changin'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why at a certain are you must preview the movie, lest your child be permanently damaged A private visit to the shrink cost too much. Ha ha my movie of disturbed was Laurence of Arabia. I watched a man get his throat slit. As the man fell to the sand dune his blood covered the fresh clean sand. NOW THEY SHOW THE WHOLE THING ON T.V.What the????