Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Title unrelated. Except for maybe the exclamation that "ooo"'s bring along with the rest of the syllables.

So I got off facebook. It was really funny because for the first few days, I habitually would type in my browser, or click on my phone app, towards facebook, and then I'd stop myself and ask what I was doing. My password has been changed so I am not tempted, even though it asked me the other day when I almost logged in if I remembered I had changed my password. Well, I just closed the browswer anyways.

Alot of people have been asking me if I've gotten off facebook. I suppose people start to notice a lack of constant Status updates in there news feed? Unfortunately, Apple just announced it's own social-network centered around it's music player iTunes, and so that will bring a whole new world (watch it aladin) of wasted time. For realsies. Thankfully it's only reachable via my macbook, and not my phone or else I would be right where I left.

Life is good. Stressful, but good. I'm in school, I'm waiting for one stupid book to arrive that is killin me by not having. It's a math class, so duh, it sucks to not have it. Cause I'm not very good at math.

I've started having crazy dreams again. Which is great because I've misssed them. My mind during sleep has been blank for the last long while, and I haven't really liked that. I don't like going to sleep and being completely blank, only to wake up. With dreams, I feel like I have something to write about or think about when I wake up. It gives a sudden reason to awake and get the day going. Probably cause my sleep isn't so deep wouldn't you say?

This is for my own personal benefit, and note. Things are wonderful right now emotionally for me... I'm happy. I miss her. But she'll be back. It's all very fun, and I like progress. I see progress being made with my family members, and friends, and I wanna move forward as well. I think I might finally be doing that, and that feels good. I just turned 25. Come now, let's do this...

I have a quiz that I'm gonna go take for my math Class and I'm definitely under-prepared for the above reasons. But I think I'll be alot better when my book comes in and I can start studying every night.

Anyways, things are good, and I'm gonna go record this weekend so I'll write about that when I get back. I'm pretty sure I write more on this thing cause I don't have Facebook as an outlet to speak... Which is a good thing. :D

1 comment:

Kay said...

EEEEEEE-klahoma! I love your writings. Love, love them. I'm so happy for you. You sound so good, your writings are absolutely lovely. Indeed you must write..