good morning!
I always write things in the morning. It's peaceful calm and quiet I suppose. It's an overcast day mid-July, and of course its the best we can do in the California Inland Empire. One thing that is Ironic is that I am up before anyone in my apartment. That is also interesting because I went to be at like 3am. Which is my subject of matter.
So my Saturday evening was wonderful, I went to my parents, I said hello, we chatted laughs were to be had. I found out my cousin issued my best friend his marriage license, and that was neat because both my cousin and my best friend went to school together so it wasn't like they didn't know each other. In the evening I went out to Temecula and visited a lady friend and hung out with some of her friends, which was really nice and relaxed and not crazy, and just nice.
It was a long evening though I drove home and got home at 2 in the morning. Now for whatever reason, I wasn't tired. So I decided that did want to rest my little head on my comfy smaller sized bed. Instead, I left quickly wallet in hand and went to my local 24 hour Jack-in-the-box. I got a 16 piece spicy chicken bites thing, which if you have honey mustard, is the most amazing midnight food ever! But I digress.
I drove back home to my apartment. Now one thing you should know is, is that there is a gate to my apartment complex, you need a clicker to get in. I have one of the those but it broke. So in order to get in the gate, you have to wait for someone to leave from that gate! So it was 2:30 when I arrived, my food was seating the passenger quite comfortably, and I must admit I watched that brown paper bag in subtle adoration. When I got there, their were some late night drunk people sitting in the spa, I assume they were drunk and going for a midnight dip because they were very loud. Security must have been called and so some rentacops (they may have been real cops I dunno) came to the pool and ushered them off the premices. When the pulled up, they took an angle that didn't open the gate that I needed to get through, although they must have been close to the actuator. When they left, instead of leaving out of the exit that was a mere 10 feet, much to my dismay, dissapoint, and unabated anger, they carefully backed up, so as not to open the gate I needed to get in.
Now thats a dick move right there kids. Obviously, they saw I wanted in, I waited patiently, it's 3 in the morning. I'm not gonna wake up my roommates to ask them to get a clicker and open the gate. All the guest parking is gone on the outside of the gate, which they can clearly see, and they back up, and go out another gate.
This move fuels my animosity towards people with any figure of power. How rude, that they see I want in, and strategically disolve my hopes of getting in my apartment complex. Oh it is soooo frustrating. There were two security dudes, and you know that there thought complex (maybe conversation) went somethin like this:
"Hey, there's that dude in the white car, shouldn't we let him in?"
"Nah, it'll be funny if we just toy with him and make him think we'll let him in"
"Ha, yeah you should back carefully to make sure you don't trip the sensor"
"Yeah, good idea, ohhh man he's gonna be so pissed. I love my job"
"I love you, let's go have extra-marrital-homosexual-relations in some back alley"
Cops are lame. Would you like you hear the insult to injury? I went to the far entrance, waaaaayyy on the other side of the apartment complex, and parked outside the gate, that I could not penetrate. When I walked back to my apartment, I had to walk past the gate that I had first tried to get into. I saw three cars get let in by some other car about to leave. Had I waited a mere 2 or 3 minutes, I could have parked right by my apartment! suck....
1 comment:
Yay, Willy!
Haha, that last part has happened to me a thousand times at your apartment complex. Lame.
Cops are jerks. I hate them. End of story.
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