Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blossoming Color

Hey look at me! Yeah, I just picked up painting. No big deal. No but seriously, I've really been meaning to paint for a long time. But I have never gone out and bought canvases, or paint brushes or anything. I've always spent my creative energy on music and the spoken word. I've never have had what I would consider a steady hand, or a delicate hand. My cousins were always better than me at drawing everything. We used to draw comic book characters and I remember always thinking that there pictures were better than mine, and in art classes in elementary school, I was never a kid who stood out. I am not 'gifted' per say, but I believe the ability to do anything can be cultivated, no? So with help of my friend Jordan who already paints and does quite well, we had a painting night, actually two nights because that's just how long it took. This is what I came up with. I am obsessed with trees and I love color. I call this painting blooming explosions. My intent was to take the free, and create blossoms that looked to be like an explosions - like fireworks, if you will. I am obsessed with the concept of explosions. I think they are beautiful. Yes, they can be very devistating, but if you think about them in theory, and in form (in the right settings) you can see an overwhelming beauty. Though some explosions are similar, their never two perfect matched explosions. I also like to think about the explosion of thought within our own head. I believe the heart and soul of our body is much like a tree, and grows with wisdom in time, and over the years, we will have times of spring with blooming thoughts, ideas, and stories, and other times and different winter-like season where our mind may lay dormant and quiet, waiting for that change in the air, for us to be able to bloom and to explode with new things in our life. Of course, when I look at this painting, there are sooooo many things that I could add now that I look back on it. But I think this is a good beginning. I can't wait to do more things, and this painting is now hanging on my wall! Good times.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

LOVE this. You should paint me something:)...I keep meaning to get into painting one day